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University of New York in Prague (UNYP) MBA with a Concentration in Management
University of New York in Prague (UNYP)

MBA with a Concentration in Management

Prague, Çek Cumhuriyeti

19 Months


Tam zamanlı

Son başvuru tarihini talep edin

En erken başlangıç tarihini talep edin

EUR 8.250 / per year



Yönetim odaklı MBA, çalışmalarında geniş bir bilgi tabanı arayanlar için geleneksel bir derstir.

10 Reasons to Enroll in the UNYP MBA Program

  1. Improve your global employment prospects
  2. Increase your earning potential
  3. Hone your leadership skills
  4. Learn in a local and international environment
  5. Sharpen your decision-making abilities
  6. Engage in learning approaches including virtual business simulations, guest speakers, workshops, case studies, and peer learning
  7. Understand new issues in business and management to better succeed in a competitive international environment
  8. Practice your skills through exposure to applied problem-solving, role-playing, and experiential learning situations
  9. Apply your new skills at work the next day
  10. Participate in the only Czech MBA program to have a triple accreditation from the C.R. (ČAMBAS), the U.K., (BAC), and the U.S. (IACBE)

MBA Brochure

Admission Requirements

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Burslar ve fon sağlama

Program Öğrenim Ücreti

Okul Hakkında
